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Crosswalk Signs

Crosswalk Signs

Strathcona County School Traffic Safety Partnership is excited to be able to offer pedestrian crossing signs for crosswalks. As a group, we looked at several options and ultimately settled on the this design.

These signs are light and easy to carry, but yet stayed up nicely in the crosswalk; even in the wind. We tested them at a local elementary school and the crossing guards there are able to easily carry them from the school to the crosswalks. They are bright and very visible.

The cost is $95.00 and to order them, please contact Debbie Rawson with Strathcona County at 780-416-6726 or click the contact us button at the top and we will forward the request. Please include how many signs you would like and your billing details and Debbie will have the invoice generated and make arrangements to get the signs.